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Mix Music That Sounds Like A Record!

FREE DRUM MIXING WORKSHOP: learn how to craft an awesome sounding drum mix from the ground up, in 6 simple steps.


Made For Home Studio Musicians Like You

Learn how to mix music at home using a simple workflow and basic core skills to help improve your mixing process and mindset, no matter what level you are at or the DAW you use.

Simply Mixing is a learning resource to help you mix better music that sounds like a record, simple!


Which of these sound familiar to you?

â—‰ Sometimes, I feel I need to go back to the basics because my knowledge exceeds my practical ability

â—‰  I literally can’t hear things I add into my mix clearly anymore, even when I've got a terrible low end or nasty high end, I just can’t tell!

â—‰  I waste so much time trying to fix problems rather than finish mixes so I can regularly release fresh new music

â—‰ I want to feel good about my music when other people hear it

â—‰  I want my mixes to compete with the major label artists on the same playlist


Learn the 'why', not just the "how-to"

Simply Mixing covers more of the decision making process behind mixing music, whereas so many music mixing courses and tutorials only cover mixing in a "show and tell" style.

I believe it's so important to have the core principles of audio engineering nailed so you have a solid grounding from which to build true expertise and your pro-mixing tool box.

Know Your "WHY" and Mix Your Music Faster!

By understanding your WHY when mixing, you’ll make faster decisions that have greater impact on the final mix, bridging the divide between demo mixes and pro mixes, developing your decision making skills to not only mix faster but feel more creative and confident than ever before.

Pro Mixing Thinking & Doing

Sharing My Music Mixing Methodology

Deep dive on some need-to-know music mixing theory and practical execution tips.

Learn actionable steps and concepts to help you become a better mixing engineer, with the gear you already have.

A candid look at my process, from my mix approach, such as how to make good mix decisions through to the nuts and bolts of templates and session management.

Learn solid mix execution tips to create original sounding work using equalization, compression, effects, saturation and much more!

With a mixture of theory and practical walkthrough demonstrations with action steps for you to take, you’ll:

✔︎ Learn how to mix faster by developing a workflow that works for you

✔︎ Finally get a grip on compression, so you can use it with confidence both for controlling dynamics and as an effect

✔︎ Know how to get everything in the mix heard without running out of headroom

✔︎ Understand how to place instruments where you want them to appear in the soundstage, width, depth and height

Join 1000's of other music makers just like you and sign up to get my best stuff sent straight to your email inbox every week, starting today with: "How To Create Clarity And Separation In A Busy Mix"
Yes Please!

Hi, I'm Sara, nice to meet you!

I'm a BBC trained mixing engineer based in the UK and started recording and mixing music in the mid-’90s from a small home studio, just like you!

In 2000, I decided to find out how to turn my hobby into a full-time career and after studying at the SAE Institute in London I went on to work for the BBC.

There I engineered many of the UK’s most listened to radio shows and live music sessions from the BBC’s Maida Vale Studios. I've worked with a wide variety of artists and have been credited on records by multi platinum artists.

With Simply Mixing, I’m going to help you build confidence and self-belief as a mixer, helping you mix faster, make better decisions and amplify your listening skills.

With the right mindset skills in place, you’re going to increase your mix output, build a solid reputation and have the confidence to start that studio business you’ve always dreamed of!

As featured on

"Sara's talent and dedication shines through in all of her work. Not only is she a great Mix Engineer and Mastering Engineer, her willingness give back and help others grow is immense!"

Warren Huart
Music Producer - The Fray, Aerosmith, James Blunt
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How To Create Clarity And Separation In A Busy Mix

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