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How To EQ Bass Guitar (A beginners Guide)

bass beginners Aug 13, 2023

In the third instalment of this EQing series, we are today talking about bass guitar.


This is a deep dive tutorial aimed at beginners but seasoned producers will get further insight into my thought process and why I am choosing each...

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Phase vs Polarity Explained

Phase and polarity in audio are often misunderstood as both terms are used interchangeably when in fact they are both quite different. This video will explain both in simple terms, so you can understand how to use them to your advantage in every...

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Gain Staging Made Easy With A VU Meter

I one of my subscribers asked me how I use a VU meter on the kick and bass when gain staging a mix, to ensure not only a balanced low end to build the rest of the mix on but also that the final mix is perfectly placed for mastering and uploading...

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Bass Compression For a Solid Low End

bass compression mixing Apr 04, 2020

Bass compression is one of the most important considerations when mixing low end.

 Using compression on bass to solidify the part and make it ever-present and consistent means that you can shape your low-end mix much easier and place the...

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Mixing Kick and Bass (for a tight low end mix)

bass drums equalization Mar 06, 2020

Mixing kick and bass seem to be one of those always talked about mixing topics that never seem to satisfy!

I think it’s because mixing is just so subjective and a lot of mixing decisions come down to taste rather than technique. And...

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