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High Quality Mixes on a Budget - Verum 1 Headphones

headphones mixing Jul 02, 2024

Discover the Verum 1: Super Affordable Planar Magnetic Headphones for Mixing and Mastering

I’m thrilled to share my latest YouTube video where I explore the fantastic Verum 1 headphones from Verum Audio. If you’re on the hunt for...

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Mixing Strings (neoclassical, ambient and alternative music)

mixing orchestral strings Mar 23, 2022

Mixing strings and orchestral elements in ambient music requires a different touch compared to traditional classical music or pop. Depending on the emotion and feel you want the mix to impart, you can use EQ, Tape and compression to sculpt the...

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Spectrum Analyzer Basics For Music Producers

Spectrum analyzers are often taken for granted. They feature in many EQ plugins and are a handy guide to help you find problem frequencies and we rarely question the default settings under the hood.


They're a great tool for...

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Gain Staging - First Simple Step To Set Up Your Mix

beginners mixing plugins Jan 26, 2022

Gain staging in mixing starts as soon as you import your tracks. The first glance at the waveforms is when you make your first important mixing decision.

Any place you have the opportunity to change the gain in a mix is a "gain stage" and that is...

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Mix Bus Plugins and Mixing Tips

This week, I was very excited to be asked to create a video for the incredibly popular and brilliant Produce Like A Pro YouTube channel and rather than picking just my favourite handful of plugins, I thought I'd go a little more focused...

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How To Use Mid Side EQ When Mixing

clarity eq equalization mixing Jul 09, 2021


A very powerful, yet often confusing EQ technique, mid side processing is a tool you can use to create clarity and separation when mixing. Mid side EQ processes the stereo field differently to a regular stereo EQ and allows you to adjust...

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How to Remove Noise from Vocals


Mic hiss and hum that find their way into an audio recording are often not obvious until you need to add compression.


One of the worst places this can happen is on a vocal, either in a recording session or an interview.



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Best Mixing Plugins For Mixing (2021)

beginners mixing Apr 02, 2021


I love mixing with plugins because they really spark my creativity.

I find that just being able to open a new plug in and have a wander around and see what the presets are doing, can often just pull me out of a hole where things aren't...

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Gain Staging Made Easy With A VU Meter

I one of my subscribers asked me how I use a VU meter on the kick and bass when gain staging a mix, to ensure not only a balanced low end to build the rest of the mix on but also that the final mix is perfectly placed for mastering and uploading...

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How To Hire And Send Tracks To A Pro Mixing Engineer

mixing reference tracks Feb 19, 2021

You’ve saved up some cash and want to hire a mix engineer for your next project. You’ve always wanted to hire a professional mix engineer but feel a bit daunted about what to send to them and how the whole process works.



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How To Create Clarity And Separation In A Busy Mix

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