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What Is Compression In music? (Compression explained)

Beginners to mixing music often ask, what is compression in music?

It can be a hard concept to grasp when you’re first starting out so, in this video, I wanted to explain what compressors do in music by taking a step back and explaining the...

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Mixing Kick and Bass (for a tight low end mix)

bass drums equalization Mar 06, 2020

Mixing kick and bass seem to be one of those always talked about mixing topics that never seem to satisfy!

I think it’s because mixing is just so subjective and a lot of mixing decisions come down to taste rather than technique. And...

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Using Reference Tracks For Mixing (so your mixes sound great everywhere!)

mixing reference tracks Feb 28, 2020

Using reference tracks can be an incredibly useful way of checking your mix for mistakes before you call it done.

Nothing is worse than after spending hours on a mix, pondering over every move and finally having it sound great in your studio, to...

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Mix With Headphones (How To Get The Best Results)

gear headphones mixing Feb 21, 2020

Do you mix with headphones? Should you mix with headphones?

To be honest, I avoid mixing in headphones, I just prefer to mix on studio monitors but I know that some people have no choice but to mix with headphones. 

I use headphones as...

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How To Download Free Multitracks (For Mixing Practice)

mixing Feb 14, 2020

To get better at mixing it makes sense to practice.

Building in time for intentional practice will see our mixing skills come on in leaps and bounds.

Even just 15 mins of “intentional” practice can help take us from average to great...

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Mixing Mistakes To Avoid - The 5 Top Mistakes

beginners effects eq mixing Feb 07, 2020


I get asked regularly to critique peoples mixes and I love doing so because it gives me an excuse to listen to more music and talk to people with a similar interest and actually help them at the same time.

What it has also given me is a...

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How To Clean Up A Muddy Mix And Create More Clarity And Separation


Looking for ways to clean up a muddy mix?

Clarity and separation are crucial when trying to create a professional-sounding mix and many people overcomplicate the process or think that there is some secret pro tip that they have...

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How To Use An Equalizer

beginner eq mixing Dec 29, 2019

Learning how to use an equalizer is a fundamental part of learning how to mix.

EQ (short for equalization) is one of the main tools you will use on a daily basis to craft sounds and fix sonic problems within the frequency spectrum in order to...

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How To Create Clarity And Separation In A Busy Mix

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